July 23, 2009

Gov. Mark Sanford's Monthly Planner


July 22, 2009

Ohio legislator’s bill dictates that men should have final say on abortion

My goodness, can these men not stay out of a woman's womb? What if the woman was raped, should she try to find the rapist to get his coonsent?

"The bill would force a woman to have a child if the father does not agree to an abortion.


July 21, 2009

Community service for barrel artist

"Joseph Carnevale, 21, a North Carolina State University student, was sentenced to 50 hours of community service for misdemeanor larceny and damage to property charges, the Raleigh (N.C.) News & Observer reported Tuesday."


July 20, 2009

FOX News guest suggest Taliban should kill captured solider

"On Fox News yesterday, guest Ralph Peters, a retired Army Lt. Col., urged against leaping to conclusions. “I was to stress first of all that we must wait until all of the facts are in until we make a final judgment,” Peters said, but quickly added, “He is an apparent deserter,” “he is collaborating with the enemy,” and “we know that this private is a liar.” Peters then suggested that if Bergdahl is a deserter, the Taliban should kill him"

See link below for full story:


July 19, 2009

Bowe Bergdahl: Soldier Captured In Afghanistan Identified As 23-Year-Old Idahoan

Until the US prosecute the people responsible for the inhumane behavior in which prisoners were treated, the US will never be able to lead and be taken seriously with such issues as prevention of torture...etc. We have got to indicate how serious we are about upholding the international laws and the whole principle of the Geneva Convention. Prosecuting the top officials responsible for the violations would send a strong message that we are serious about such crimes.

Trust me, we will never be taken seriously by any country because of the crimes the United States of America committed.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Bowe Bergdahl: Soldier Captured In Afghanistan Identified As 23-Year-Old Idahoan

"They are exploiting the soldier in violation of international law,"

"We condemn the use of this video and the public humiliation of prisoners. It is against international law."

1. As if these people give a d*amn about international law.

2. Who are we (The Great United States of America) to dictate to anyone the violation of international laws and who are we to condemn anyone based on humiliation carried out to others? After the tortures and abuses of prisoners, the US doesn't have the right anymore to dictate to people when it concerns such things.

Thank you George W. Bush and Dick Cheney and all the other republicans.

I can just imagine how the international community must be laughing at us when they read those statements.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

July 17, 2009

Vibrating Underwear Puts Woman In Orgasmic Unconscious State

For sometime now I have been contemplating getting one of those 'Vibrating Underwear'. However, after reading the story of the Swedish woman who fainted because of her orgasmic experience wearing one such underwear, I had was to think twice (actually, that thinking lasted for about 3 seconds).

When the time is right (meaning, when I can afford to purchase one and not feel the effects of spending money unnecessarily), I will get myself one of those. I'm a very adventurous, sensual and quite sexual female who really enjoy spicing up my life.

