April 8, 2009

Levi Johnston On CBS: Palins Treated Me Like An Outcast After Election

Levi's mom was arrested for selling drugs. Would anyone want their grandchild to visit his dad at the home of a drug dealer?

Every child should be given the opportunity to spend quality time with their dads, providing there is no danger. Levi's situation (living under the roof of his felon/drug dealer mom) makes it difficult for him to take his child home.

If, he's not working, he needs to find a job, rent somewhere and participate in supporting Tripp. This is difficult for a 19 year old, but I don't see any court giving him much right to the child based on the situation he's in. The best thing to do right now, is sell his story and get some money like Bristol did. Selling the story doesn't mean he's to trash Bristol. Selling his story may be a tacky thing to do, but hey, right now, that's the best way for him to earn enough money to rent somewhere, start school and support his child.

If he tries to get custody of the child (and there is no way he would) these are some of the reasons Bristol Palin's attorney would use why he shouldn't:

1. living with a drug dealer

2. No means of supporting his child

3. Bristol have a loving family who is capable of providing the necessary support

4. Bristol Palin is going to school with the hope of providing for her child

I guess you guys can add to my list.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

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