May 31, 2009

George Tiller Killed: Abortion Doctor Shot At Church

I am all for freedom of speech, but when such speech incite violence (as does Bill O'Rielly, Rush Limbaugh, Glen Beck, Sean Hannity and other extreme conservatives and any liberal), then when crimees are committed as this one, then they along with the murderer should be held accountable. You can't just go on TV & radio and incite the lunatics to go off the deep end and then you walk free when something like this happens.

Tomorrow, most of the nuts (talking about conservative pundits and talk show hosts) will be pretending as if they are outraged by Dr. Tiller's assassination, when they played a role in it.

The conservatives freaked out about the Homeland Security Report and even called for Sec. Napolitano to resign. Now, the reality of the report is in plain view for everybody to see.

These religious nuts and anti abortion 'christians' are no better than al queda. Submit to their ideology or be killed.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

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