July 5, 2009

Huffington Post Blogger Shannyn Moore in Palin's Cross Hairs (UPDATED - Press Conference in Anchorage)

Thanks for the clip. I am not sure how Gov. Palin's attorney can sue Ms. Moore based on her saying there are 'rumors'. Miss Moore mentioned the word 'rumor' SEVERAL times.

I like that Gov. Palin is very ambitious, but she's way to sensitive. If, she's going to continue a life in politics, she needs to have crocodile/alligator skin. She can not take on every one who may say something that may not be true or something that may be true and she did not like the fact that it was said.

Hillary Clinton faced lots of criticisms throughout her political career and she did not stop to take on the people who were pulling her in the mud, she dealt with it how any savvy politician should, let it go and in so doing, you don't bring attention to the subject.

Gov. Palin was quick to state in an interview, that Then Sen. Clinton should not 'whine' about tough media coverage, that she should plow right on through, that Sen. Clinton does herself a dis-service when she 'complains' about "excessive criticism".

Gov. Palin should take her own advice.

About Sarah Palin
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

1 comment:

vigilocanis said...

Spoof.huffingtonpost.com reports: Ed Schultz, host of “The Ed Show” on MSNBC threw down the gauntlet after Limbaugh made fun of him on his radio show for comments Schultz made regarding Sonia Sotomayor. The MSNBC host challenged Limabaugh to a debate about “anything” on either radio or TV.

The C.dawg filed this follow up report and this breaking news story
for vigilocanis.wordpress.com:

The story reported by Huffington Post that MSNBC The Ed Show host, Ed Shultz, had issued an on-air challenge to Rush Limbaugh to debates, calling Rush a “coward”, apparently has flaws.

The conservative blog, Vigilo Canis http://vigilocanis.wordpress.com/, quickly jumped on the story, questioning whether the program was actually televised. Blog spokesman C-Dawg, reports that their investigators have been searching for anyone who actually saw the original airing of the bombastic challenge.

Nielsen Ratings confirmed low ratings for the show for the night of the alleged airing of the program, stating that their survey showed that one family in San Francisco may have seen it. A Moveon.org reader who phoned in to that he had watched the original program, waffled, when questioned later under oath, an oath sworn to “Mother Nature”, at his insistence. His sworn affidavit says that he thinks he “might” have seen the program, but his mind was foggy on the subject, after a night of peyote and Red Bull. “Dude,” he said,” I’m not sure now. Is that like the one where the cool horse talks?”

Huffington Post founder, Arianna Huffington, after arguing that the Nielsen ratings and the MoveOn caller’s affidavit did not prove anything, is said to be examining another July post. This, now questionable post, was published on July 3, 2009 by the Post.

Referring to their opponents as “sissy boys”, Joe the “Plumber” and Todd “ First Dude ” Palin have challenged Ed, “ The Mouth ” Shultz and Keith “I wish I had O’Reilly’s ratings” Olberman, to combined wrestling match and snow machine race wearing only Speedos, on the frozen Alaskan tundra at Anwar, calling the two opponents, “sissy boys.” Olberman, lowering his voice an octave, responded that he was no sissy boy; he used to work the sports beat where some of his best friends are football players. “Masculine” through association failed to convince the “Plumber”, who refused to retract the slur….

FOX is said to have agreed to televise the “Plumber”, Palin, Shultz, and Olberman matches in a double header with Shep Smith and Anderson Cooper in an arm wrestling contest.

NBC’s Katie Couric is said to want a piece of Sarah Palin, challenging Gov. Palin to a newspaper reading contest. Palin, who demanded that Polaris snow machine repair manuals would be included with the New York Times, said that she would whip Couric, “like a rented mule.” When told that PETA and SMUT (the Society of Mule Utilization Transportation) had filed ethics charges in Alaska over the remark, Palin laughed and said,” Nanny Nanny Boo Boo. I’m no longer a governor, so shame on you two!”

Sources close to CIA Chief Panetta confirmed that Panetta likes the trend towards public challenges. Said to be secretly getting into shape, training with CIA agents, Panetta plans to issue a challenge to Nancy Pelosi to an ultimate caged fighting match. The winner will be awarded the coveted, “I’m Not A Liar, She is” Trophy. Panetta promised a full report to congress.

This is not Schultz’s first debate challenge/rating boost. See Wikipedia report http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ed_Schultz.

Schultz-Prager exchange:

Schultz has engaged in a minor conflict with talk-show host Dennis Prager. Prager defended controversial comments made by William J. Bennett on the September 28, 2005 broadcast of his morning radio program, which Schultz characterized as being racist. Prager asserted that Schultz had quoted Bennett out of context and Schultz challenged Prager to a debate. Prager accepted the challenge but Schultz never responded. No debate has taken place and the issue appears to be dead. [citation needed]