July 7, 2009

Michael Jackson

Today, Michael Jackson will be laid to rest. My wish that in death, he will find the peace he was unable to find in life.

He was a strange man, a boy living in a man's body. He seems to have had a troubled soul, but one thing I do not believe, and that is he was a child molester. Yes, he did questionable things (such as sleeping naked with children). However, I believe that he was such a naive man, he was clueless to how this would look to the general public or straight up, clueless that such behavior is just not normal.

He had so much money (through the years that he was most popular) and yet with all his wealth he remained unhappy. I assume that he had some amount of happiness after having the children and for that I am happy.

I can relate to living in a world where most of your life is spent feeling dismayed, you feel unwanted, you feel restless, you feel lost.

I was saddened when I heard of his death, however, my sadness was short lived, because, I thought, he's now gone and nobody will have to hurt him anymore. He's now gone, so, he doesn't have to live through the sadness he's lived his life in most of the years.

Posted via email from just2stressed's posterous

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