July 10, 2009

Steve McNair's lack of respect for womens' emotions led to his death

I am happy this troubled young woman, Sahel Kazemi did not take her frustration out on the 'other' women, like so many women tend to do. It's sad that Mr. McNair's children are left without a dad and that they had to lose their father in such a horrific situation.

However, I feel no sympathy for Mr. McNair; not satisfied with his wife, he got involved with Sahel, obviously filled her head with lies about how he felt about her and was chasing other women. This should be a lesson to men and women; you don't play with people's emotions. Sahel may have already been a troubled girl and McNair pushed her over the edge. If you are going to sleep with a woman, be straight up and be honest about what your intentions are, don't go filling the woman's head with lies, pretending that you 'love' her or want to have an exclusive relationship, when you know all you are after is the occasional sex.

So many men show so many disrespect for women and disregards towards women’s emotions. They walk into your life and pretend as if you are all they need, only to walk when they have had you. On to the next skirt or whatever it may be.

I do not mean to sound as if I condone killing another because you’ve been hurt but when things like this occur, I have to admit the reality of why it happened.

Men, women, all you have to do is be honest about what you want. Let it be his/her decision to get involved based on your terms. Of course, you may find the mentally ill who may decide to accept the terms of the ‘relationship’ and then decide they want more and when not getting what they want, commit a crime. But, this is another discussion to have.

"Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned". Steve McNair learned this out the hard way.


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