January 21, 2009

President Barack Obama

Yesterday, January 20, 2009 was an historic day. America and the world celebrated the historic victory, of Barack Obama, for becoming the countries first black President.

As a black woman, I couldn’t have been more proud. I got teary eyed watching the events being played on national television. I watched in amazement as millions of people cheered for President Obama after he was sworn in; I was happy to see millions of flags being waved, not only American flags, but flags of different countries. I am from Jamaica and I was pleased to see my Jamaican flag in the midst of the moment.

I believe that our new President, President Obama, will do a world of good for this country. I am optimistic that under his watch, the economy will turn around and America’s standing in the world will improve greatly.

I hope people understands the magnitude of the crisis America is in; the situation is so grave, it is going to take a rather long time to turn this country around. My concern is that there are so many people who believe in quick fixes, not understanding the seriousness of our problems; and after not seeing results in the time they think is acceptable, will start to turn on President Obama.

I ask myself time and time again, “has the expectations placed on Obama too much”? I would caution Americans and the world, not to set their expectations so high, less they set themselves up for a painful disappointment.

What do you think? Is the expectations of President Obama over the top?

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