June 22, 2009

Why Can't The Republicans Leave Other Countries Business?

So many republicans seem to believe Pres. Obama isn't saying enough on the Iran election/demonstrations. In 1953 the United States meddled in Iranian affairs; the US helped overthrew the democratically elected Iranian government. Before the coup, Britain had asked the Democratic president, Harry Truman for assistance and Pres. Truman refused. After President Truman's presidency, the Brits asked the new sitting President, President Eisenhower, a republican, and he agreed. Whatever the circumstances, like Iraq, oil was involved.

Taken from Wikipedia: "According to the history based on documents released to the National Security Archive and reflected in the book "Mohammad Mosaddeq and the 1953 Coup in Iran," edited by Mark J. Gasiorowski and Malcolm Bryne, the coup caused long-lasting damage to the U.S. reputation."

"The '28 Mordad' coup, as it is known by its Persian date, was a watershed for Iran, for the Middle East and for the standing of the United States in the region. The joint U.S.-British operation ended Iran's drive to assert sovereign control over its own resources and helped put an end to a vibrant chapter in the history of the country's nationalist and democratic movements. These consequences resonated with dramatic effect in later years. When the Shah finally fell in 1979, memories of the U.S. intervention in 1953, which made possible the monarch's subsequent, and increasingly unpopular, 25-year reign, intensified the anti-American character of the revolution in the minds of many Iranians."

So, with everything that has happened, the republicans want the US to stick her nose in Iran's election process AGAIN. Their concern for the Iranian people is nothing but 'politics', as with some many things, the republicans are being quite disingenuous. They do not concern about the Iranians, they are concerned about scoring political points, to make the sitting President seem weak. They do not care about Neda, about the people dying in the streets. After all, they complained about the speech the President gave to the Muslim world when he was in Cairo.

They are talking about oppression when they are the ones who want to take away voters rights, women’s’ rights, the right to affordable healthcare…you can add any other rights I may have missed.

Sen. McCain and others, you need to deal with the SHIT facing us here in the US and leave the Iranians alone. Stop with your phony outrage!!!

We have Iraq, Pakistan and Afghanistan dealing with, not to mention 'Lil Kim' AKA Kim Jong-il from North Korea is throwing a fit and quite frankly need somebody to bitch slap him. Lets deal with the IMMEDIATE problems facing US.

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