June 30, 2009

Quote Of The DAy

"Gratefulness is the key to a happy life that we hold in our hands, because if we are not grateful, then no matter how much we have we will not be happy -- because we will always want to have something else or something more." ~ Brother David Steindl-Rast

June 29, 2009

Quote Of The Day

"Life's challenges are not supposed to paralyze you, they're supposed to help you discover who you are." ~ Bernice Johnson Reagon

June 28, 2009

Port, Oregon named top underrated cities


Michael Lived A Very Sad Life

So many of us would like to have what so many celebrities do; what I am talking about his the wealth they possess. We believe that with money comes happiness. Happiness, because then affording the things we lust, want and need would be no problem.

Michael Jackson for most of his life was a very wealthy man, however, his fortune and stardom wasn't able to give him one of the most important things one could desire in life - that's happiness. Michael lived a very sad and lonely life to his very end.

Michael is a perfect example of how flawed the concept of many is that if they were wealthy, then they'd live a very happy life. Yes, a wealthy person can live a happy life, just as a poor person can. But happiness is not found in the amount of money one have, but rather within you.

Albert Einstein once said that, “If you want to live a happy life, tie it to a goal, not to people or things."

See a link to an Op-Ed on Michael Jackson, taken from the New York Times.


Quote Of The Day

"Courage, it would seem, is nothing less than the power to overcome danger, misfortune, fear, injustice, while continuing to affirm inwardly that life with all its sorrows is good; that everything is meaningful even if in a sense beyond our understanding; and that there is always tomorrow." - Dorothy Thompson

13 Things Your Waiter Wont Tell You

"We used to call Saturday 'amateur night' because that is when the quality of the customers seemed to decline. More people who do not know how to tip or who would snap their fingers and make lots of special requests. We would increase our waitstaff to cover the increased number of customers, so it was not a service issue... I don't agree with number 4 though. The restaurant where I worked was privately owned, and friends of the owners came in regularly. It it's a chain then it's obviously a stupid comment, but for a local joint it could be true. We were usually alerted in advance if friends of the owner were coming in. And for number 7, if you have a legitimate food allergy, ask what items would be ok for you to order or easy to modify to accomodate your allergy. But please don't lie about an allergy just to get something special made for you."


June 27, 2009

Carly Simon - You're So Vain

Carly Simon - You're So Vain

Lyrics | Carly Simon - You’re So Vain lyrics

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Dixie Chicks - Cowboy Take Me Away

Dixie Chicks - Cowboy Take Me Away

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Obama Admin Drafts Memo To Detain Terror Suspects Indefinitely

Now that Pres. Obama is sitting in the Oval Office, he's realizing some things just have to be done and that Pres. Bush didn't have much of a choice?


Sanford: King David Didn't Resign, So Why Should I?

This man is killing me with his holier than thou self.

He cheats on his wife, abandoned his constituency, stole from his constituency in order to go see his lover and now he's acting as if he's...I don't even know what to refer to him as. This man's ego is so big he can not see his faults.

Hey Mr. Lover, Lover, you want to know why you should resign?

1. You abandoned your state
2. You used taxed payers money to fund your 'EXOTIC' excursion to Buenos Aires
3. You LIED to your constituency
4. You were one of the many who said Bill Clinton should resign because of his affair


Spare Me The Details (The Offsprings)

Love this song. The lyrics is just hilarious!

Dr. Conrad Murray, Jackson's Doctor, Hires A Lawyer

Dr. Murray made himself out to be a suspect in the public's eyes when in ran away and left his car. Most innocent people do not behave like that (especially in a situation like this one). Also, it was reported on MSNBC that he was giving Michael CPR on the bed when the best place to do it is on a very flat surface, somewhere quite sturdy. And, he did not want Michael to be pronounced dead at the home (even though he was in fact deceased). Also, he does not want to sign of on something that has to do with the death (not sure if it's the death certificate.

With that said, Michael's death is a loss to his family and many fans, but for someone who believes in 'fate/destiny', this was his time and this was how he was meant to go.

Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Prosecutors will allow Ruth Madoff (mini crook) to keep $2.9M

If this story is true, then they have got to be friggin kidding me. $2.9M is way too much money for her to keep. No way should they have given her money stolen from people who worked hard for it. My goodness, she and her husband robbed and as result killed people. She needs to suffer financially like so many have.

The day before her husband turned himself in, this women withdrew millions of dollars from their account. Now, is this not a woman who was in on what her husband was doing?

By the way, why the hell is she not in jail as yet?

Click on the link below for the story:


Women 'happiest at 28' with love life says study

I am not so sure about this study. As a matter of fact, I do not agree with it. I was quite happy with my love life before 28 and have been more happy with it after 30. What do you think? Read the story attached to the link below:


Another rainy day

The rain started pouring a few minutes ago and I am watching as it hits the ground. It has been so hot, therefore, I am more than grateful for the rain that we are having.

Quote Of The Day

"So try to stomp on me, try to douse my inner flame, try to squash every ounce of beauty I hold within me. You won't succeed." - Unknown

June 26, 2009

Michael Jackson (1958 - 2009)

Honoring a legend and the King of Pop.

Maria Belen Chapur (Gov. Sanford's mistress)

See the story on Maria on Gawker. Just click on the link below.


Quote Of The Day

"Never be bullied into silence. Never allow yourself to be made a victim. Accept no ones definition of your life. Define yourself." ~Harvey Fierstein ~

June 25, 2009

Farrah Fawcett's Last Rites, Barbara Walters EXCLUSIVE - ABC News

Growing up, I really didn't know anything much about Farrah Fawcett. However, I saw a picture of her in an old magazine and that's how I discovered Farrah. I was struck by her beauty and her look of grace. I liked her so much, I named my niece Farrah.

My aunt Agatha died in September 2008 from cancer (which had metastasized), by the name it was discovered she had cancer, there was little or nothing the doctors could have done. When I read how brave Farrah Fawcett was during her struggle with cancer, I am reminded of my aunt. They both handled themselves with so much grace and bravery.

It is a difficult experience losing a loved one and at such a young age. Farrah is going through a very painful experience and like my aunt when she was faced with unbearable pain; I have no doubt Farrah is hoping to go soon.

Farrah, you are a beautiful, talented, sexy and courageous woman and I wish you nothing but peace.

Farrah Fawcett's Last Rites, Barbara Walters EXCLUSIVE - ABC News

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Michelle, Sasha, Malia Go To Beyonce Concert

Take the poll: Are the Obama girls too young for Beyonce's show? I say YES! If, Sarah Palin had taken Piper, we'd all be having a fit and some of you who's saying it's okay for Michelle to do it, would be saying how unfit a mother Sarah Palin is. I'm an hypocrite, but sometimes I am able to be objective.

About Michelle Obama
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

The Obama Girls Attend Beyonce's Concert

(Picture not taken at last night's show.)

So, last night The First Lady took her daughters, Malia (11) and Sasha (8) to see Beyonce perform at the Verizon Center in Washington DC.

I, for one, would not have taken my kids (if I had any) to watch a live performance by Beyonce (one that does not involves a kids event), as I do not believe her shows are appropriate for children. Just as I had a problem with Fergie’s performance at the White House Easter Egg Roll (maybe if she had sang age appropriate songs it wouldn’t have been a problem – and no, I was not expecting her to go there and sing ‘The wheels on the bus’).

I do know that Mrs. Obama is a very good mom and is very protective of her children, but my opinion is that this is one event the kids should have sit out.

Quote Of The Day

“Hope is important because it can make the present moment less difficult to bear. If we believe that tomorrow will be better, we can bear a hardship today.” - Thich Nhat Hanh

June 24, 2009

North Korea wants to wipe the US off the face of the Earth

This is one crazy man!!!

Good morning! Good morning! Good morning to you!

Good morning everybody in cyber world.

Wow! It is a most BEAUTIFUL morning and I am feeling like I'm on top of the world. I am feeling happy this morning regardless of the many rivers in my life I need to cross.

Could it be because...


Quote Of The Day

"Never be bullied into silence. Never allow yourself to be made a victim. Accept no ones definition of your life. Define yourself." ~Harvey Fierstein ~

June 23, 2009

Alaska waiting on Sarah Palin Plans

Top Republicans and Democrats across Alaska are quietly lining up to run for governor amid growing speculation that Sarah Palin will not seek reelection in 2010.

No candidate, including Palin, has yet filed papers with the Alaska Public Offices Commission. Palin’s office declined an opportunity to explain her thinking on the 2010 race, and the Republican Governors Association said it would not comment on discussions it has had with the governor.

But a number of Democrats and Republicans in Alaska and Washington who spoke to POLITICO believe her silence is a sign she will not pursue a second term as governor so that she can play a larger role on the national political stage.

At least three Democrats and six Republicans are mulling...

Alaska waiting on Sarah Palin's plans - Andy Barr - POLITICO.com

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Quote Of The Day

“Never allow anyone to rain on your parade and thus cast a pall of gloom and defeat on the entire day. Remember that no talent, no self-denial, no brains, no character, are required to set up in the fault-finding business. Nothing external can have any power over you unless you permit it. Your time is too precious to be sacrificed in wasted days combating the menial forces of hate, jealously, and envy. Guard your fragile life carefully. Only God can shape a flower, but any foolish child can pull it to pieces.” - Og Mandino

Obama Launches Major New Online Tool To Reset Health Care Debate

Barack Obama's campaign arm, Organizing for America, released on Tuesday a major new online tool designed to personalize the debate over health care reform and galvanize grassroots support for the president's plan.



Posted via web from just2stressed's posterous

June 22, 2009

Tropical Storm Andres

Tropical Storm Andres, expected to be the first hurricane for the 2009 hurricane season, is said to be racing towards Mexico. I hope they will be spared.

Oh I wish Florida will be speared again!

Why Can't The Republicans Leave Other Countries Business?

So many republicans seem to believe Pres. Obama isn't saying enough on the Iran election/demonstrations. In 1953 the United States meddled in Iranian affairs; the US helped overthrew the democratically elected Iranian government. Before the coup, Britain had asked the Democratic president, Harry Truman for assistance and Pres. Truman refused. After President Truman's presidency, the Brits asked the new sitting President, President Eisenhower, a republican, and he agreed. Whatever the circumstances, like Iraq, oil was involved.

Taken from Wikipedia: "According to the history based on documents released to the National Security Archive and reflected in the book "Mohammad Mosaddeq and the 1953 Coup in Iran," edited by Mark J. Gasiorowski and Malcolm Bryne, the coup caused long-lasting damage to the U.S. reputation."

"The '28 Mordad' coup, as it is known by its Persian date, was a watershed for Iran, for the Middle East and for the standing of the United States in the region. The joint U.S.-British operation ended Iran's drive to assert sovereign control over its own resources and helped put an end to a vibrant chapter in the history of the country's nationalist and democratic movements. These consequences resonated with dramatic effect in later years. When the Shah finally fell in 1979, memories of the U.S. intervention in 1953, which made possible the monarch's subsequent, and increasingly unpopular, 25-year reign, intensified the anti-American character of the revolution in the minds of many Iranians."

So, with everything that has happened, the republicans want the US to stick her nose in Iran's election process AGAIN. Their concern for the Iranian people is nothing but 'politics', as with some many things, the republicans are being quite disingenuous. They do not concern about the Iranians, they are concerned about scoring political points, to make the sitting President seem weak. They do not care about Neda, about the people dying in the streets. After all, they complained about the speech the President gave to the Muslim world when he was in Cairo.

They are talking about oppression when they are the ones who want to take away voters rights, women’s’ rights, the right to affordable healthcare…you can add any other rights I may have missed.

Sen. McCain and others, you need to deal with the SHIT facing us here in the US and leave the Iranians alone. Stop with your phony outrage!!!

We have Iraq, Pakistan and Afghanistan dealing with, not to mention 'Lil Kim' AKA Kim Jong-il from North Korea is throwing a fit and quite frankly need somebody to bitch slap him. Lets deal with the IMMEDIATE problems facing US.